Lädt eine URL.
![]() | Wichtig |
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Interner Hilfetext zu dieser Applikation in Asterisk 1.2:
-= Info about application 'Curl' =- [Synopsis] Load an external URL [Description] Curl(URL[|postdata]): This application will request the specified URL. It is mainly used for signalling external applications of an event. Parameters: URL - This is the external URL to request. postdata - This information will be treated as POST data. This application will set the following variable: CURL - This variable will contain the resulting page. This application has been deprecated in favor of the CURL function.
Differenz des internen Hilfetexts von Asterisk 1.2 zu 1.4: — in Asterisk 1.4 nicht vorhanden —
Siehe auch. Abschnitt 15, „CURL()
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