74. Status


————————| 1.2 |————————| 1.4 |————————| 1.6 |————————

Interner Hilfetext zu diesem AMI-Befehl in Asterisk 1.4: 

Action: Status
Synopsis: Lists channel status
Privilege: call,all

Differenz des internen Hilfetexts von Asterisk 1.2 zu 1.4: — keine —

Differenz des internen Hilfetexts von Asterisk 1.4 zu 1.6: 

--- in Asterisk 1.4
+++ in Asterisk 1.6
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
   Action: Status
   Synopsis: Lists channel status
-  Privilege: call,all
+  Privilege: system,call,reporting,all
+  Description: Lists channel status along with requested channel vars.
+  Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
+          *Channel: Name of the channel to query for status
+          Variables: Comma ',' separated list of variables to include
+          ActionID: Optional ID for this transaction
+  Will return the status information of each channel along with the
+  value for the specified channel variables.


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