
Sendet ein beliebiges Event an das Manager-Interface.


Sendet ein beliebiges Event an das Manager-Interface. Das resultierende Event-Paket hat folgendes Format:

Event: UserEvent Eventname
Channel: Channelname
Uniqueid: Anruf-ID

Als Inhalt können weitere Zeilen in der Form Feldname: Wert angegeben werden. Mehrere Zeilen werden durch | (in älteren Asterisk-Versionen durch , oder ^) getrennt.

Liefert stets 0 zurück.

exten => 123,1,UserEvent(Test,Hinweis: Ich rufe jetzt ${XY} an.)
exten => 123,n,Dial(${XY})

Interner Hilfetext zu dieser Applikation in Asterisk 1.4: 

  -= Info about application 'UserEvent' =- 

Send an arbitrary event to the manager interface

  UserEvent(eventname[|body]): Sends an arbitrary event to the manager
interface, with an optional body representing additional arguments.  The
body may be specified as a | delimeted list of headers. Each additional
argument will be placed on a new line in the event. The format of the
event will be:
    Event: UserEvent
    UserEvent: <specified event name>
If no body is specified, only Event and UserEvent headers will be presen

Differenz zum internen Hilfetext in Asterisk 1.2: 

<   UserEvent(eventname[|body]): Sends an arbitrary event to the manager
< interface, with an optional body representing additional arguments.  T
< body may be specified as a | delimeted list of headers. Each additiona
< argument will be placed on a new line in the event. The format of the
< event will be:
<     Event: UserEvent
<     UserEvent: <specified event name>
>   UserEvent(eventname[|body]): Sends an arbitrary event to the
> manager interface, with an optional body representing additional
> arguments.  The format of the event will be:
>     Event: UserEvent<specified event name>
>     Channel: <channel name>
>     Uniqueid: <call uniqueid>
< If no body is specified, only Event and UserEvent headers will be pres
> If the body is not specified, only Event, Channel, and Uniqueid fields
> will be present.  Returns 0.

Siehe auch. manager.conf, Asterisk Manager interface