Führt einen Shell-Befehl aus und gibt die Ausgabe zurück.
exten => 123,1,Set(ausgabe=${SHELL(id -un)}) exten => 123,n,Verbose(1,Asterisk laeuft als User ${ausgabe})
| | | | | 1.6 |————————
Interner Hilfetext zu dieser Funktion in Asterisk 1.6:
-= Info about function 'SHELL' =-
Executes a command as if you were at a shell.
Returns the value from a system command
Example: Set(foo=${SHELL(echo "bar")})
Note: When using the SHELL() dialplan function, your "SHELL" is /bin/sh,
which may differ as to the underlying shell, depending upon your production
platform. Also keep in mind that if you are using a common path, you should
be mindful of race conditions that could result from two calls running
SHELL() simultaneously.